1. What operating systems does c-kernel support?#

Linux, macOS and Windows using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). It may work on Windows without WSL (in which case you will need to install Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater), however this isn’t officially supported.

2. Why does nothing happen when I request user input (e.g. with scanf)?#

Try adding #define _GNU_SOURCE before #include <stdio.h>.

3. How do I get interactive input in C++?#

Stick to functions in #include <cstdio>. c-kernel doesn’t support getting input via std::cin through the notebook.

4. How do I send EOF (Ctrl+D) when waiting for user input?#

Type ^D into the input box.

5. Why am I seeing errors like “undefined reference to dlsym”?#

Add -ldl to the --exe-ldflags option when installing the kernel, or add the magic comment //% LDFLAGS -ldl to the code cell itself.